The Top 10 Best of 2011

Good day! I would like to share to the world my best of 2011.

  1. My girlfriend, of course, who in more than 4 years, she’s still with me.
  2. My sister’s return to the Philippines.
  3. My personal blog’s activity.
  4. The Friendliest Zimmie (Directwithhotels’ term for employee) award for 2011.
  5. My co-worker’s different but delicious recipes revealed to our team.
  6. New camera parts and accessories.
  7. The BlackOps group.
  8. Joining events like cosplay events, launch events, and some food events.
  9. New sets of friends care of the newcomers of DirectWithHotels year 2011.
  10. Formation of the Online Marketing team in Directwithhotels.


The owner and the author, John Paolo Acelajado, is currently working as an Online Advertiser for Resorts World Manila, and currently taking freelance jobs online. The blog discusses gadget reviews, blogger events, movies, product reviews, travel and food reviews, and many more. I also do photoblogs and I go to numerous events. Add me at

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