WAV Atmospheric Digital Media Signages : Where advertising goes more Digital


In our current generation, most of the businesses use digital technology. But what will happen to a business without a signage? That is why WAV Atmospheric, the leading sensory marketing developed something that will change the marketing strategies use through the use of Digital Media Signages. By using DMS, you may enhance your advertising strategies through your customers’ 4 senses (look, taste, feel, and hear).

WAV Atmospheric’s DMS (digital media signage) is the visual version of our instore radio. It is like the digital version of tarpaulins with videos, pictures, and sounds.

Nowadays you can see them in most businesses and establishments for the customers’ comfort and may also reduce their boredom. Even I was amazed because when I first saw these signages while I am waiting on the queue, I almost forgot that I have a portable gaming device because I just lay my eyes on the DMS instead of watching or looking for something else.

Digital signs are used for many different purposes and there is no definitive list. However, below are some of the most common applications of digital sign:

  1. Public information – news, weather, traffic and local (location specific) information, such as building directory with map, fire exits and traveler information.
  2. Internal information – corporate messages, such as health & safety items, news, and so forth.
  3. Menu information – pricing, photos, ingredients, and other information about the food(s) being offered, including nutritional facts.
  4. Advertising – usually either related to the location of the sign or using the audience reach of the screens for general advertising.
  5. Brand building – in-store digital sign to promote the brand and build a brand identity.
  6. Influencing customer behavior – directing customers to different areas, increasing the “dwell time” on the store premises, and a wide range of other uses in service of such influence.
  7. Enhancing customer experience – applications include the reduction of perceived wait time in the waiting areas of restaurants and other retail operations, bank queues, and similar circumstances, as well as demonstrations, such as those of recipes in food stores, among other examples.
  8. Enhancing the environment – with interactive screens (in the floor, for example, as with “informational footsteps” found in some tourist attractions, museums, and the like) or with other means of “dynamic wayfinding”.

And it is remotely managed. Clients using our services are Smart Payment Centers, Restorante Bigoli, UPIS ( screens LEDs), soon Greenwich.


WAV Atmospheric Branding Philippines

Unit 4D 4/F Vernida 1
120 Amorsolo Street, Legaspi Village
Makati City, 1229

Or visit their website for more: http://www.wavatmospheric.com/


The owner and the author, John Paolo Acelajado, is currently working as an Online Advertiser for Resorts World Manila, and currently taking freelance jobs online. The blog discusses gadget reviews, blogger events, movies, product reviews, travel and food reviews, and many more. I also do photoblogs and I go to numerous events. Add me at

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